Edibles Dosage Chart: How to Dose Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana Edibles are THC-infused food products that can get you extremely high. They can take around 30-90 minutes to kick in, but when they do, you’ll experience an intense high that lasts for many hours. As such, it’s important to know how to dose marijuana edibles.

Edibles should be taken very cautiously as taking too much can result in an uncomfortable high that lasts for many hours. While your tolerance can vary depending on numerous factors, it’s best to start low and only increase your dose when you build. Here’s what you need to know about how to dose marijuana edibles.

Edibles Dosage Chart: How to Dose Marijuana Edibles

Marijuana edibles are much more powerful than smoking or vaping weed and, as such, it’s important to be careful with your dosage. Most beginner users stick to a dose of around 10-20mg of THC, but experienced users with a high tolerance for THC and medical users with severe symptoms may want to go higher. Here’s a chart to break things down.

Dosage Who Should Use It? What To Expect
1-10 mg THC Beginner users and those who want mild effects Subtle pain relief, mild reduction of stress and anxiety, improved mental focus.
10-20 mg THC Beginners who want psychoactive effects and medical users with mild-moderate symptoms Significant euphoric and psychoactive effects. Heightened senses, moderate pain relief, reduced anxiety and stress, help with sleep.
20-30 mg THC Experienced users and medical users with severe symptoms Strong euphoric and psychoactive effects. Strong relief for pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, insomnia, and various other symptoms. Impaired judgment and focus.
30-50 mg THC Veteran users and medical users who don’t get relief from lower doses Extreme euphoric and psychoactive effects depending on tolerance. Strong relief for various physical and mental symptoms. Higher risk of side effects such as anxiety, paranoia, and nausea.
50+ mg THC Only those who’ve been recommended a higher dosage by a doctor Potentially overwhelming effects and high risk of negative side effects. Potential relief for severe medical symptoms- should only be used if recommended.

How to Dose Marijuana Edibles

Microdose: 1-10mg of THC

One of the approaches to dosing edibles is to take a microdose. Microdosing involves taking a dose that’s not high enough to give you the full potential of THC’s psychoactive effects but still enough to give you many of its physical and mental benefits. As such, this is a great idea for users who only want mild effects.

Microdosing is ideal for medical users who want mild relief for symptoms without getting high. It can help with various issues, such as mild pain and inflammation, headaches and migraines, stress, anxiety, and depression. However, users may need a higher dose if their symptoms are more severe.

Recreational users can also try microdosing. It’s often a good way to experience the positive effects of THC while remaining functional and alert. It may even enhance your cognitive ability while taking on daily tasks. 1-5mg is a good microdose, but some users find that taking as high as 10mg is still a mild enough dose.

Regular Dose: 10-20mg THC

If you want to experience the psychoactive effects of marijuana edibles, then it’s best to take a dose of at least 10mg THC. For most beginner users, 10mg is the recommended dosage of marijuana edibles. It’s enough to give you psychoactive effects without being too overwhelming.

At this dosage, you’ll experience a euphoric mental state as well as deep physical relaxation. Many recreational users enjoy this dose as it can heighten your senses, enhance your creativity, make you more talkative and social, and make every kind of activity seem more fun and interesting.

It’s also useful for medical users who aren’t sure how much to take. Usually, 10mg is enough to relieve symptoms such as pain, inflammation, headaches, nausea, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. If you find that the dose isn’t strong enough to relieve your symptoms, try raising your dosage to 15mg the next time you use edibles and subsequently to 20mg.

Medium Dose: 20-30mg THC

If you’re looking for stronger effects, then try taking around 20-30mg of THC. While beginners shouldn’t take this much, users who are experienced with marijuana edibles should find the effects extremely enjoyable without being too overpowering.

This dosage will give you powerful psychoactive effects. Not only will your mood and senses be significantly enhanced, but your body will be soothed and relaxed throughout and you might have a hard time getting up or staying alert. It can also make you giggly and mentally hazy, but the carefree and pain-free feeling can be very pleasant.

Medical users might also want to try taking 20-30mg of THC when 10-15mg of THC isn’t enough to relieve their symptoms. At this range, you can expect strong relief for all kinds of physical and mental symptoms. However, it’s important to experiment with lower doses first before you try taking this much.

High Dose 30-50mg THC

High Dose: 30-50mg THC

Some users may want to try taking a higher dose of around 30-50mg of THC. Beginner users should avoid these doses at all costs, but significantly experienced users who have developed a strong tolerance to marijuana edibles and medical users who need extra relief for their symptoms can try taking this much.

At a dose of 30mg, you’ll feel the full range of THC’s psychoactive effects. You can expect strong euphoria that leaves you mentally relieved and intense physical relaxation that soothes your body throughout. However, keep in mind that it can also impair your judgment and potentially make you feel more anxious if you’re not prepared for the effects.

If you’re extremely experienced with the effects of marijuana edibles, you might want to go as high as 50mg, but going higher than this generally isn’t worth it unless recommended by a medical professional. Users who have a hard time absorbing THC or those with a strong tolerance can potentially handle more, but for most users, higher doses will have a much higher risk of a bad trip with negative side effects.


Using marijuana edibles can be extremely rewarding. Not only can they give you a sensational high, but they can also offer powerful relief for all kinds of symptoms. However, it’s important to always be careful with your dosage- always start low and don’t get overconfident. You can buy marijuana edibles online along with various other marijuana products at GanjaExpress.


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