Marijuana is now legal to buy all over Canada, providing that you’re of legal age in your province. Whether you prefer to smoke weed, vape concentrates, or use marijuana edibles, using marijuana is popular for all kinds of reasons. Many users use it simply due to the enjoyable recreational effects whereas some users prefer to use it for its therapeutic perks.
However, while marijuana can give you many positive experiences, you might find yourself having a bad high if you inadvertently use too much. Although you can’t fatally overdose on marijuana, using too much can cause a range of uncomfortable side effects such as increased anxiety, paranoia, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and more.
Fortunately, there are various tips for coming down from a bad high. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you’re not enjoying the effects of marijuana, then make sure you try these methods. They can help you relax and even help the high pass quicker. Here are 7 of the best tips for coming down from a serious marijuana high.
1. Relax And Don’t Panic
If you’re dealing with a bad high, then one of the most important things to do is to relax and not panic. While it might sound overly simple, just relaxing your mind can have a huge impact on how your high goes. Letting yourself get into a panicked state can result in more anxiety and paranoia, whereas relaxing and refocusing your mind can help you enjoy your high more and get past the negative effects.
Naturally, this is easier said than done. When you’re dealing with the negative side effects of THC, it can be hard to completely relax. However, there are many ways you can go about this. Make sure you’re in a comfortable position and start to breathe slowly. Focus on inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8. You can also try other breathing and relaxation exercises.
Learning to relax and control your breathing for a few minutes can help in various ways. Not only will it help you relax your mind and reduce your anxiety, but it can also increase blood flow, causing you to come down quicker. As such, this approach can be extremely helpful for times where you’re dealing with a bad trip.
Keep in mind that your environment can also have an impact on how relaxed you are. For instance, if you’re smoking with other people and find that you’re having a hard time relaxing, go somewhere private and take some time to breathe and relax. Whatever you do, don’t focus on the negative as this will only make your high worse.
2. Make Sure You Drink Plenty Of Water
Another one of the best things you can do when you’re trying to come down from a marijuana high is to drink plenty of water. There are various benefits to this- not only can it help flush weed out of your system faster, but it can also significantly help with counteracting some of the negative side effects you might get from marijuana.
Whenever you plan to smoke weed, make sure you have plenty of water nearby. It can even help to drink some before you get high- this will help avoid the dehydration that often comes with smoking too much. What’s more, smoking weed often leads to dry mouth, so you’re going to want some water.
Water also helps boost your digestive system, meaning that you’ll excrete weed from your system faster. This can go some way to making your high wear off quicker. It also helps in the days after you get high as you’ll flush out any remaining THC metabolites from your system more quickly.
Keeping hydrated while high is also important as it can help you avoid potential side effects such as headaches and nausea. Focusing on drinking water can even help keep your mind focused. Other fluids can also help, such as juices or decaffeinated tea. However, you might want to avoid drinks that are high in caffeine or taurine as these may increase your anxiety.
3. Eat Some Food
Staying hydrated while high is particularly important, but eating some good food can also help you come down from an intense high quicker. Not only can it help you reduce the impact of a bad high, but since you’re likely to get the munchies when you smoke weed, eating will help satisfy your cravings and give you one less thing to worry about.
It’s your choice what you want to eat. You might want to focus on foods that speed up your digestion, such as foods high in fiber and protein. These can fill you up and make it easier for your body to get rid of more THC. However, junk foods can be especially comforting during times when you’re having a bad high.
Certain food ingredients can even help you counteract negative side effects. For example, studies show that the terpene caryophyllene can help tame the effects of THC and make you feel more relaxed. Caryophyllene can be found in black pepper, so you might want to add some to your food. Another study found that limonene can have a calming effect, so you might want to add some lemon juice to a meal or dessert.
No matter what kind of food you prefer, make sure you eat something. Marijuana is known to make you hungry and dealing with this side effect can help you have a more positive high overall. What’s more, the effects of THC also make food look, smell, and taste more appealing, so eating food while high can be incredibly enjoyable.
4. Take A Long Walk
Sometimes the best way to reduce your high is to take a walk. Even if you just walk around the block a few times, getting some fresh air and physical activity can rapidly make you feel much better, especially if you’re dealing with a bad high.
From a mental standpoint, simply being outside can help relax your mind and reduce your stress and anxiety levels, making it a great way to counteract a bad high. Some fresh air can do wonders, making you feel much more mentally refreshed. Plus, taking in some nature while you’re high can be a sensational experience.
There are also physical benefits to taking a quick walk while you’re high. You’ll burn off some extra energy, making you feel more tired and relaxed so you can sleep your high off when you get back. Getting some mild physical activity can also help lower your blood pressure, sweat out some toxins, and help you reduce the intensity of your high.
Of course, you should choose where you walk wisely. Walking through a bad neighborhood at midnight will only make a bad high worse. However, walking somewhere safe for around 10 to 15 minutes can help significantly when it comes to coming down from a bad high.
5. Take A Bath Or Shower
Another simple yet effective way to come down from a marijuana high is to run a nice, hot bath or take a quick shower. Taking a bath or shower can be great for helping you relax both mentally and physically. Plus, you also get the added benefit of cleansing your hair and skin from the smell of weed.
There are many interesting benefits of bathing. For instance, it can help speed up your metabolism, increase your blood flow, and give you a relieving and relaxing sensation overall. All of these effects can help you come down quicker.
The mentally relaxing effects of bathing or showering can help reduce anxiety and paranoia, helping put you in a more relaxed and carefree state of mind. The physical effects can help speed up your system so your high ends more quickly. Plus, taking a bath or shower while you’re high can feel amazing.
As straightforward as it may seem, this is one of the overall best ways to help you come down from an uncomfortable high. Whether you prefer to soak in the bath for a while or simply take a refreshing shower, both of these can work well.
6. Find Ways To Distract Yourself
When you’re dealing with an uncomfortable high, one of the biggest problems you’ll face is trying to stop yourself worrying. Although marijuana can often be mentally relaxing and even help reduce anxiety in low doses, smoking too much can often result in increased anxiety and paranoia.
While it’s important to remember to breathe and not panic, one of the best ways to make it through an intense marijuana high is to distract your mind. Finding a way to keep your mind focused on something else can help reduce anxiety and you might even find that you end up having a positive and fun high instead.
There are many ways to do this and the method you should use largely depends on what helps you relax. For instance, you might find that just kicking back and watching some Netflix helps distract your mind from any worries. Some users might prefer to put their headphones on and get lost in some music. You could even read a book.
Any low-effort activity that keeps your mind distracted is ideal for dealing with a bad high. Focusing on something else takes the focus away from the effects of marijuana and you’ll end up finding the whole experience much more enjoyable.
7. Get Some Rest
While many methods can help you get through a bad high and counteract the negative side effects, getting some rest is arguably the most effective approach at all. If you’re dealing with overwhelming effects after smoking weed, then simply laying down, closing your eyes, and relaxing is one of the best things you can do.
Getting some sleep is perfect for coming down from your high. Not only does sleep help counteract many of the negative side effects you might experience such as anxiety and nausea, but by the time you wake up, you’ll likely find that the high has already passed and feel much more refreshed.
Sleeping it off is ideal if you’re not enjoying yourself, and many marijuana strains even help you sleep better. However, if you’re having a hard time sleeping, it can still help to get some rest. Lying down, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breathing helps to naturally relax your mind and body, even if you don’t end up getting any sleep.
How To Avoid A Serious Marijuana High
These tips are great for any user who’s dealing with overpowering effects and want to come down from their high quicker. But ideally, you’ll want to avoid a bad high altogether. Marijuana provides an incredibly positive experience in most cases- you just need to avoid using too much or using it in the wrong circumstances.
The best way to avoid a serious marijuana high is to be cautious about your dosage. When you’re high, it’s easy to get into the habit of continuing to smoke until you’ve finished your joint. However, sometimes smoking less is a much better approach. You’ll still get all of the positive effects of marijuana but you can avoid the negative side effects. As a bonus, you’ll have more weed left over to use later.
Certain products are stronger than others, so you’ll want to consider this before you get high. For instance, marijuana strains with higher levels of THC are likely to hit you harder and faster whereas high CBD strains are generally more relaxing and mild. Products such as Concentrates and Edibles are also much stronger than weed, so don’t use too much of these.
It also helps to make sure you’re in a comfortable environment and a positive state of mind. If you already feel anxious or worried, then smoking weed can exacerbate these feelings. Smoke at home or around trusted friends and only do so when you feel safe, comfortable, and ready for an enjoyable high.
If you’re trying to come down from a bad high, you have many options. Simply relaxing your mind, distracting yourself with other things, and taking a walk can help you get through a bad high. Taking a bath, eating food, and drinking water can also help the high wear off quicker. Sleeping is the best approach as you’ll likely wake up feeling refreshed and sober.
Fortunately, experiencing a bad high isn’t too common as long as you use marijuana responsibly. Make sure you check how potent your products are before you use them and don’t use more than you need to. Whether you prefer marijuana strains, concentrates, edibles, tinctures, or other products, you can find what you need at GanjaExpress.